Saturday, September 12, 2015

My Blog Updates Aren't the Only Thing Overdue!

Can you imagine that this face could give us so much guff?

Wait. Yeah. I can. My mom says that it's payback. I'd like to argue that point with her but I'm afraid that by doing so I will be proving myself wrong.

So, back to my reason for this post, which honestly is total procrastination.

I need to write up W's IHIP. I needed to do that about 3 weeks ago actually. So now I have a little bit of time and I decided to post instead. Priorities, right? *groan*

To be fair, I've been putting off the IHIP because I didn't want to write it for no good reason. You see, we threatened to put her in public school. She was being so obstinate and contrary that it was harming the relationship between her and I to keep persuading (ok and berating) her to do work.

But guess what!?!

We gave her 2 weeks to work on her attitude and she has! She's been fantastic! I am so impressed at the hard work that she is putting in. It is not easy for W to dive into things that challenge her, but the threat of public school is apparently enough motivation. W says she doesn't want to sit inside a room all day and lose a good deal of her playtime. I don't blame her.

And because each person brings their own part to the relationship, J and I also gave ourselves 2 weeks to work on our own attitudes. We recognized that we were not doing ourselves any favors with our passive and somewhat ill-prepared approach to the task. Personally, I had such grand ideas about what school should look that I easily overwhelmed myself. So we resolved to make school a priority, to prepare more ahead of time while also not holding ourselves to too high standards, and to be firm about what tasks needed to be done and when. (That last one really just means that we promised good things at the end of certain homeschool tasks... you know, incentives.)

It's such a relief that we busted through this wall, as none of us really need another radical change in our lives for a while. I'm looking forward to settling down and wallowing in routine and normalcy (whatever that means...)

So, I guess to continue keeping up my end of the deal I should go start writing.

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