Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Breaking Ground

Planting seedlings is always a bit of a nerve wracking experience for me. Although I'm sure it could be argued that I'm a bit high-strung anyhow, I always feel so uncertain and a little bit jarred when I stand back and admire my work.

Are they in the right spots? Will there be enough room? Are there enough plants? What if a big storm rolls through and rips these tendrils out of the ground and lies them out to waste? Did I acclimate them to the big outdoors well enough?

And I won't feel fully settled about the whole scenario until the plants start to branch out and stretch their arms, filling up their allotted space.

Although that just brings a different set of worries, they are admittedly, worries that are less immediate.

Are they getting too big? Should I stake them up? Pull off suckers? Are they getting enough water? Enough sun? Is that powdery mildew? What kind of BUG is THAT??

But eventually I'll stop worrying so much and just watch.

And not too after that I'll totally forget that they were ever once something to fret over.

I'm hoping that it's like that with the children, too.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Turning Time

The compost is a time machine.
Each turn of the pitchfork
  unearthing bits of the past,
ghosts once lifted by other forks.
Banana peels from baby's first feeds,
broccoli stems, pistachio shells, avocado pits-

Each heave brings me back in time.
Now I am standing at the counter cracking eggs
Next, sitting around the table carefully segmenting grapefruit.

And it's not just mealtime blessings that are bubbling to the surface.
Here are bits of crumbling playdough, shredded papers and mail.

The grapevine mobile the kids and I made while waiting for baby.

And while I work I realize just how rich this compost really is.

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