Thursday, October 8, 2015

Life is. One Day at a Time

It's been a long week. I have a lot of work to do. It's been a long week and I am feeling really tapped out.

I've been noticing that my patience for the kids is shot, and in turn they have no patience for each other. Bicker bicker snap, bicker bicker snap, you could set your watch to our interactions.

Of course, this is decidedly not where I want to be with them. Wouldn't it be nice if everything was sunshine and roses?

But I keep reminding myself that last week consisted of a wedding, a funeral, a birthday, and the first exam of the semester. And through all of that I still had to do the day to day things that life requires! How monumentally unfair, right?

But, you know, life is.

So, here we are trudging on with our heavy boots.

I wrote a priority list, first focusing on the bare minimum of what we need to do to get through the week; a clean sink, a pile of clean clothes, food in our cupboards, time with close friends, quiet time to ourselves. Then, I added in the things that we had some stronger obligation to attend; swimming lessons, school work and Dr/Dental/Vet appts. Lastly, I added in the things that would brighten our life if we could fit them in; Sunday there is a KiteFest at the Stone Quarry Art Park, hanging up Halloween decorations, watching Cheryl Strayed speak at SU.

And, while that might be a long list, breaking it down has made it not feel so overwhelming. I just take things on one at a time. And the more space I can make in my head for the things that are important to me, the more space I have to take a deep breath before I interact with the kids. And instead of trying to make things better all at once, I make them better by a little bit each time. And life goes on, and we go with it.

                                          Rainbow Heart by W

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