Monday, March 25, 2013

Out Like A Lion

I can't be the only one to be enjoying these last few days of blustery March am I?

These past two snowfalls have been very nearly perfect. Sticky clumpy snow that covers the branches and the netting over the chicken coop. The icicles on the roof grow and glisten. Our backyard turns into a magical snowday. I am grateful for temperatures that are crisp and refreshing and not fierce and biting.

This snow has been fantastic for snowball throwing and snowman crafting. Rolling and rolling and rolling heavy balls as big as themselves is so good for these kids who are yearning to stretch and push and work those muscles after a winter's rest.

We have been putting the finishing touches on Winter. Making sure we have eaten enough coconut curry stew and spicy chili. Baking enough cookies and sipping enough tea. Going over our footed-pajama snuggle between flannel sheets quota, stocking up until next year. Wearing my baby on my chest, all cozied up in blankets and ponchos, for what are probably the last times.

And now today marks Spring. The kids and I have been watching the buds swell on the trees, and the first green shoots of our bulbs push through the soil. The birds have been noticing too, waking us with their songs in the morning.

We have been anticipating the Sun's return. Slowly starting our garden seedlings inside, sheltering them on heat mats and under lights. First the tomatoes, then peppers, then eggplants and okra. Each week brings a new task that brings us that much closer to thrusting our fingers into the dirt.

But until that happens, we wait rather contentedly, reading under cozy blankets.

Or using up every last piece of paper in the house doing heady inbreath activities before we transition to the body rich outdoor outbreath activities.

Life Is.

**Disclaimer:this post was written last week on the Equinox, when it was snowing. I've been having issues uploading photos and so this post is very, very late. Sorry for the confusion!

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